Monday, September 24, 2012

A Whole New World

           For students interested in studying abroad next summer, there is no better time than now to be researching and weighing all your international travel options.
            The University of Oklahoma’s College of International Studies hosts study abroad opportunities for students in over 100 cities across more than 50 countries for a spring break, summer, semester, or year, according to OU’s education abroad website.
            Among the many study abroad programs offered by the College of International Studies are the Journey programs. Journey programs are summer travel seminars designed to introduce OU students to world affairs through the lens of a particular country or region, according to Alice Kloker, director of education abroad for the College of International Studies at OU.
            “The Journey programs are taught in English by OU faculty for OU students, and include cultural excursions and experiential learning components in the local country or region where programming is taking place,” Kloker said.
            Journey to China was the first Journey program, launched in 1997 as an initiative of President Boren to introduce OU students to Chinese civilization, economics and politics, according to Kloker. Journey to Italy was formally established in 2006. In 2009, Journey to Latin America was introduced, which took place in Chile and Peru that year. It went to Peru every year thereafter, and this year will take place in Brazil. This summer, the College of International Studies will be introducing two new Journey programs: Journey to Africa (Tanzania) and Journey to Turkey, according to Kloker.
            Student participation in Journey programs has continued to grow over the years.
            “Between 2010 and 2012, a total of 175 students participated in one of our Journey programs,” Kloker said.
            Steven Dixon, a senior at OU, participated in the 2012 Journey to Latin America: Peru and spent four weeks emersing himself in Peruvian culture.
            “I had done some cultural events for Peru the semester before the trip, so I was already somewhat oriented with Peruvian culture. I’ve always wanted to go to Latin America, so I took the first opportunity I had once I found out about the Journey program to Peru, and it was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had in my life,” Dixon said.
            Most students become involved in a Journey program, unsure of what to expect, since they are generally unfamiliar with the foreign country they are visiting.
            “I was expecting to expand my competency and comprehension in Spanish, which I definitely did. But I also learned to be independent and gained confidence by being able to do things in a country that wasn’t my own,” Dixon said.
            The Journey to Italy is the most popular summer study abroad program at OU. The Italian Center of the University of Oklahoma is located in Arezzo, Italy, and works in conjunction with this program. Lauren Byrd, an engineering major at OU, participated in the 2012 Journey to Italy program last summer.
            “One of my friends in high school actually told me that if I ever got the chance to go to Italy, I have to go. So when the opportunity to study abroad came up, I was really interested in the Journey program to Italy,” Byrd said.
            The month-long Journey takes students through the cities of Rome, Florence, Venice and Arezzo.  Art history is taught on this journey, and gives students a first-hand learning experience in Italian art.
            “Being able to see works of art that I only saw in textbooks before I actually went to Italy was just so incredible to me. I really took on an appreciation and interest for things that I never really had thought about before my Journey to Italy,” Byrd said.
            Travel and program prices for 2013 have not yet been determined. Last year, the program costs for Journeys varied between $3,200 and $4,000, according to Kloker. Generous fundings have been allocated each year to help offset the cost for students wanting to study abroad.
            Students that are interested in participating in the 2013 summer Journey programs are encouraged to attend a Study Abroad 101 session to learn more about the study abroad application process.    
            The next Study Abroad 101 session will be held this Thursday, Sept. 27 at 4 p.m. in Zarrow Hall, room 120. To learn more about the 2013 Journey programs, visit the study abroad website at
Lauren Byrd, Journey to Italy 2012 participant, describes
the significance of the Weekend of the Jousts 
she took home from Arezzo, Italy last summer.

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