Thursday, September 27, 2012

Lunch With Alex Strick van Linschoten

           Students interested in developing a deeper understanding of the Taliban and Afghan policies had the opportunity to feed their knowledge at a free lunch and lecture on Thursday, Sept. 27. 
            The University of Oklahoma’s Center for Middle East Studies and the Department of International and Area Studies brought in Alex Strick van Linschoten, an author and researcher on Afghan relations, to talk to attendees about his experiences living and working in Afghanistan.
One of the assignments for IAS 3003.012, a class about 9/11 and the War on Terror, requires students to attend two guest lectures made by speakers who have regional expertise on Pakistan and Afghanistan as policy-makers, researchers and academics, according to Mariam Mufti, a professor for the Department of International and Area Studies.
Mufti planned the event with the hopes that students would benefit from Linschoten’s first-hand knowledge on Afghan issues.
“I really want students and the OU community in general to benefit from the insights of scholars, academics and policy-makers…It is for this reason that I organized Alex Linschoten’s visit to OU,” Mufti said.
Linschoten has worked with Afghan refugees in London at the Afghan Association of London and also as a liaison between various Iraqi non-governmental organizations based in Syria and their international donors. In 2006, he co-founded, an organization that seeks to improve awareness of the wide range of issues and opinions relating to Afghanistan.
“Alex Linschoten has lived in Afghanistan for several years, and his experience of living there through these troubled times is an invaluable glimpse on Afghan society and culture,” Mufti said.
The next guest speaker scheduled to discuss Afghan relations with Professor Mufti’s class is Dr. Robert Lamb from the Center of Strategic International Studies in Washington, D.C., in November. This lecture will not be an event open to the public.

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